Uncharted 4 Multiplayer Tips and Tricks

uncharted4Struggling getting to grips with a Thief’s End’s multiplayer mode? Read on for ten top tips…

1. The opening tutorial takes you through all the basics. Pay attention to the charge melee attacks and in game Store features. You’re awarded the ‘Continue the Adventure’ Trophy just for completing it.

2. If you want further practice, check out the Trials Mode. You can hone your skills with throwables, sidekicks, and mysticals. Master your craft before taking it online. You also get the ‘Trials by Fire’ Trophy for completing them all.

3. Teamwork, teamwork, teamwork! Uncharted 4 is all about cohesive teamwork and coordination. A well balanced team that plays off each other will be far more successful than a team of lone wolves.

4. Don’t be afraid to blindfire in cover or while rushing an enemy. Many weapons, especially shotguns, are perfect for no-aim K.O.-ing.

5. Always reload your gun during down time. You never know when that extra bullet or two will be the deciding factor in a close duel.

6. Charge melee attacks are perfect for getting the drop on a pre-occupied enemy. Use the many maps’ varied side alleys and alternate paths to know when to sneak up and hamstring your opponent’s assault.

7. Don’t be stingy with the throwable items. Keep an eye on their recharge meter, but even better, upgrade to level 2 to get more throwable potential. You can also throw items by aiming with your gun and tapping R1 to throw them longer distances, instead of the standard arch aim.

8. Customize your loadouts. Once you start to unlock more items and gear, a well-tailored custom loadout will outperform the presets. And remember, you can save multiple custom loadouts, so feel free to experiment with different styles and equipment.

9. Use the traversable environments to your advantage. There are plenty of rope swings to rapidly assault an enemy location or put the aerial takedown on a hapless foe. Super punch them for a one-hit down!

10. Get familiar with the multiple sidekick personalities. They each behave differently and knowing how they act is key to getting the most out of them (or knowing how to take them down)!

(via PlayStation)