Green lights on for MotoGP24

Featuring all the official riders and tracks of the 2024 season, MotoGP24 is now on the grid and ready to race.

Marking a turning point in the history of the franchise, MotoGP24 features the Riders Market for the first time, meeting one of the longest-awaited requests by its community.

Starting this year, riders of all categories have the opportunity to change teams, including promotion between classes. This way, players will see roster updates in every in-game season, thus finding new exciting challenges and scenarios to experience every year.

The possibilities are endless, as both the AI and players might be proposed to change teams based on their performance on track. Moreover, replicating the dynamics of actual negotiations, the choices of AI-controlled riders will not only be determined by the current values of the other rides on the grid, but future perspectives will count as well.

For instance, if a mid-table team obtains steadily convincing performances proving to be on the upswing, it might be able to sign a top rider despite not being an immediate contender for the title. Importantly, the Riders Market adds to the turning points, rivalries, and the fictional social network introduced last year to create a journey revolving around the performances and choices of each player.

The Riders Market will follow and accentuate such a philosophy; the evolution of rivalries as well as likes and replies on the fictional social network will indeed fuel rumors about possible future transfers, which players will be able to monitor through a dedicated menu of the career mode.

Bringing the gaming experience to blur with real-life racing even more, MotoGP24 also introduces the MotoGP Stewards. Throughout the weekend, they will supervise the race and any timed sessions, disciplining riders and AI equally for their actions on the circuit.

On the multiplayer side, the LiveGP Championships enhances the MotoGP24 online experience. It’s a new multiplayer mode created for the most competitive players who are called to climb the overall Championship leaderboard by scoring points at dedicated events. Also, Cross-play allows fans to challenge each other regardless of their platform and console generation, right from day one.

MotoGP24 is now available for PS4/5, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and PC.