In the wake of the Battle of Demeter, IMC Expeditionary Forces travel deep into Frontier space to recover from their recent defeat. On an uncharted world, the IMC begin construction of a new fleet operations base, using newly acquired water collection and filtration plants to support the new base.
When drainage operations reveal ancient ruins and artifacts of an unknown origin in a nearby swamp, Spyglass activates an archaeological team to investigate the site. To maintain battle readiness at the new base, IMC Pilots use simulation pods to train for anticipated Militia raids, based on lessons learned in Angel City and IMC Airbase Sierra.
Expedition is the first of three DLC offerings for Titanfall. Sadly there are no new game modes or story line here, but it does introduce three brand new maps to the Frontier – Runoff, Swamplands and War Games – and a lot of fun they are too.
Swampland is a fairly flat map, its lush fauna providing ideal cover and opportunities for jumping between the tall trees, catering for both long and mid-range play.
Runoff’s rusty, industrial battleground isn’t very different from some of the existing maps in the game. It offers multiple levels from the upper passages to main deck and the low-lying deep water canals that can prove tricky to escape into and out of. Overall this is the weakest of the three offerings here though.
Finally, War Games is a futuristic map consisting of long, transparent, virtual wall-running paths and a confined central corridor to test pilots’ abilities to make the most of the surroundings. It is possibly the best of the three here and surely to become a fan favourite.
Expedition is out now on the Xbox One and PC for £7.99, and June for the XBox 360.
This post has been sponsored by EA Games but all thoughts are our own