Hardy and Bradbury to host eSports Awards

hardy-bradburyRadio 1’s Julia Hardy and Gadget Show’s Jason Bradbury will be co-hosting the eSports Awards this November.

Bradbury is a prolific TV presenter that has also hosted the launch of products from the likes of F1, Toyota, Microsoft and Samsung.

Hardy is a popular games journalist and presenter, who has worked on numerous major events and is the presenter of Radio 1’s monthly video games show.

“I’m really honoured to be invited to help co-host the first ever UK awards dedicated solely to eSports,” Hardy said.

“It reflects just how huge the eSports world is and how quickly its growing that we can now have a whole awards ceremony dedicated to the people who have strived tirelessly to get it where it is. eSports are well and truly here to stay and I’m looking forward to congratulating the winners and the nominees on the night for all their hard work in such a passionate part of gaming.”

Bradbury added: “I’m privileged to co-host the first ever UK awards dedicated solely to eSports. The growth in the market has surprised most; by last reports eSports is bigger than Hollywood and more valuable than the music and film industry! As Julia says eSports are well and truly here to stay and I’m looking forward to congratulating the lucky winners.”

The debut eSports Industry Awards will arrive in London on November 21st at London hotspot The Brewery.

via MCV

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