With Mega Man announced, fan speculation has gone through the roof about what other third party characters might make their way to Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. Of particular interest is whether Namco Bandai characters, like the cast of Tekken, Pac-Man or the Tales RPG series, will be prioritized, since the two Smash Bros. games are being developed by an all-star team of Namco developers. That answer, according to series creator Masahiro Sakurai, is “no.”
“Just because the game is being cooperatively developed with Namco Bandai involved, that doesn’t at all mean that they’d be given any special consideration for having characters in the game,” Sakurai said. “Smash Bros. can still be considered as an all-star collection of Nintendo characters. Just like with Mega Man or any other third-party character, it would have to be a very special situation.”